Daddy’s Boy

Flint, Flinty Poo, The Boy…. he has many names but he has always been a daddy’s boy!

When we lost dad (Alan) at the end of 2023 we knew that Flint would be hit hardest as he had a daily walk with his daddy for some “man time”! It also meant that ALL of the dogs would have to come with us to every show as we couldn’t leave the ‘oldies’ at home alone. So the first show was Manchester and it was such a blur, I can barely remember what happened but I do remember that Flint was very unhappy at not being in the show ring whilst at a show. So the decision was made to start entering him into the veteran class so he could enjoy the day out rather than sitting on the sidelines.

His first venture out was at the Norwegian Elkhound Club of Great Britain (NECGB) Contest of Champions: he only went and won Best Veteran in Show!! Flint was so proud of himself and had enjoyed the day so much we brought him out of retirement. Next up was Crufts and he did it again: Best Veteran in Breed (BVIB)! Added to which, his progeny also did exceptionally well. Daddy was watching and the tears flowed from ring-side: Flint could never let him down.

Since then, Flint has won BVIB at the two Scottish Kennel Club shows in May, BVIB at Bath Championship Show and BVIB at Southern Counties. However, Flint wanted to end this season in style and managed to win Best Hound Veteran in Show at Southern Counties (picture of mum and Flint mid-stride in the main ring)!!

The 2024 show season is now over for Treskha as we turn our attention to the next generation…….

watch this space for exciting news to follow


Sorry for the delay…