• What do you feed your dogs?

    Our dogs are all raw fed. This means they are fed a mixture of raw meats, bones and vegetables. They also have a number of natural supplements to help prevent any nasties like fleas as we avoid chemicals as much as possible. Mixed in with their meals they get an occasional raw egg, honey or yoghurt as a treat - they are quite spoilt but very healthy. If you prefer to feed dry (kibble) then we always recommend that you go for the best you can afford with the least amount of ingredients. Remember: animal derivatives means everything from beak to claw

  • How much exercise do dogs need?

    This depends on lots of different factors including breed, size, age etc. For example, a little chihuahua would need less exercise than a Great Dane, but a Collie would need more exercise than the Great Dane. For the first year of their life, we usually work on the basis of 5 minutes of exercise for each month of their life, but that exercise could be a walk, a run around the garden or interactive play with a family member

  • How do I choose the right dog for my family?

    First, you must remember that a dog is a long term commitment (10-15 years on average). Next, you must consider how much time you have available, what sort of lifestyle you lead and how house-proud you are. All of these aspects to consider before selecting a breed that is right for you and your family. Once you have answers to each of these considerations, it is time to start researching breeds and contacting breeders for insight and guidance. We are always happy to assist with the research side of things as it can be quite daunting.

  • Do dogs and cats get along?

    Some do and some don’t - this can depend on the nature of the dog, the nature of the cat and how they are introduced to one another. Sorry for the vague answer, but there is not a Yes/No answer! We were lucky, we introduced a 10-year-old Elkhound to 2 cats, and they were happy to ignore each other, although he would still hunt cats on his walks, so we think it was more their characters than anything that made it work

  • When do I start training my puppy?

    The day you pick them up!! The earlier you start training and the more fun you make it, the more success you will have. Spending 30 seconds regularly throughout the day is more productive than trying to do everything in a 1-hour training session. Training classes are a great way for owners to learn new tips and for puppies/dogs to socialise and learn to interact with other dogs.

  • Is it wrong to let dogs on the furniture?

    This is purely down to personal preference! The only stipulation we ever make is that whatever you decide is on your terms and not on the dog's terms. Our dogs know they are allowed on the furniture in the back room, but not in the living room and they respect that rule. They also know that if they get on the furniture in the back room, they must get off when asked. Whether you allow them on the furniture or not is fine as long as the message is consistent across all members of the family.