
  • Gilkaro Tinc My Belle Brighton

    Gilkaro Tinc My Belle - Brighton

    DOB: 12th February 2014

    Brighton is undoubtedly our Pack Leader and she most certainly has the attitude to back it up. The other pack members respect her, but she still loves to play when the mood takes her. Brighton had early successes in the show ring, but the effort involved does not suit her laid back nature.

  • Grasilva Little Rock Avec Gilkaro Flint

    Grasilva Little Rock Avec Gilkaro - Flint

    DOB: 27th April 2015

    Flint is the truest of gentlemen and is loved by all who meet him. If we could bottle his temperament, we would be millionaires!! Despite his many successes in the show ring (he is a Champion and also has his Junior Warrant), he is happiest at home with “his girls” and “his toys”.

  • Treskha Just The One Xyla

    Treskha Just The One - Xyla

    DOB: 20th August 2017

    Xyla is Brighton and Flint’s daughter. Brighton and her daughter may look similar, but that is where the similarities end!! Xyla has so much nervous energy bouncing around in her body it is like she lives her life on springs.

  • Treskha Tanqueray Tuğba_ Standing

    Treskha Tanqueray - Tuğba

    DOB: 29th January 2021

    Tugba is the latest addition to the Treskha family - her name is of Arabic origin (a nod to the fact Katherine is currently working in Dubai). The name means: pure beauty, creator, goddess, life - we hope she can live up to the meaning; so far so good.