
  • Treskha Just the One x CH Laakso Canute - Treskha Puppies 3

    Litter Three

    As we only have a litter when we want to add to our own pack, it is very easy to forget the work involved. Sitting up all night waiting for the inevitable scrabbling to start never gets easier. Xyla has always been known as “Xyla Pup” so the thought of her having her own puppies was very strange. Also deciding on a sire that would continue to improve our breeding became even more difficult with Covid restricting movement around the country. Ty was the perfect match and we are very happy with the outcome.

    Treskha Just the One x CH Laakso Canute

    (Xyla x Ty)

    Born - 29 January 2021

  • Gilkaro Tinc My Belle x CH Grasilva Little Rock avec Gilkaro JW - Treskha Puppies 2

    Litter Two

    Brighton has always been a character and motherhood did not change that. However, as this was a purely in-house litter, it was wonderful to see the whole family together throughout. Brighton even permitted Flint into the whelping box to help her clean the puppies after feeding - she has a wonderful way of getting her pack to work for her. Flint has always loved his puppies so he was very happy to help

    Gilkaro Tinc My Belle x CH Grasilva Little Rock avec Gilkaro JW

    (Brighton x Flint)

    Born - 20 August 2017

  • Dekris Diva x CH Kestos Night Cap at Skogley - Treskha Puppies 1

    Litter One

    Any litter is nerve-wracking but none so much as your first! Once you get your head around the fact that the dogs don’t read the textbook and you let nature take its course, then everything should go to plan. Despite needing an emergency cesarean section halfway through birthing, Ziva had seven beautiful puppies and enjoyed every minute of being a mother. Archie wasn’t very interested in his puppies until one of his daughters came to live with him and gave him a partner in crime.

    Dekris Diva x CH Kestos Night Cap at Skogly

    (Ziva x Archie)

    Born - 12 February 2014