Treskha Just The One - Xyla
DOB: 20th August 2017

Xyla Professional

Xyla is Brighton and Flint’s daughter - the only girl from our first in-house litter.  Brighton and her daughter may look similar, but that is where the similarities end!! Xyla has so much nervous energy bouncing around in her body it is like she lives her life on springs. She is incredibly quick to learn anything new you want to teach her from obedience to scenting, but everything needs to be done at 100 miles an hour or she gets bored!!

Xyla Profile
Xyla and Puppes

Fortunately, she inherited Flint’s kindness and as a result, she has been an excellent mother to our recent litter and took her responsibilities incredibly seriously.  We are so proud of how “Xyla Pup” has matured into a wonderful mother - I just hope her pups didn’t inherit her springs - watch this space to find out...

Xyla and Tuğba
Xyla RIng
Xyla Face
Xyla Dog