Treskha Tanqueray - Tuğba
DOB: 29th January 2021

She idolises her granny and is often found imitating her ability to sleep in the comfiest chair at all hours of the day.  She is, however, still an energetic puppy and loves to spend her waking hours playing tug and wrestling with her grandad. With a

Tuğba is the latest addition to the Treskha family - her name is of Arabic origin (a nod to the fact Katherine is currently working in Dubai).  The name means: pure beauty, creator, goddess, life - we hope she can live up to the meaning; so far so good.  She may only be young, but Tugba is already part of the furniture and developing a very special character of her own. 

Tugba Sleeping
Tugba Playing Dino

She idolises her granny and is often found imitating her ability to sleep in the comfiest chair at all hours of the day.  She is, however, still an energetic puppy and loves to spend her waking hours playing tug and wrestling with her grandad. With a number of Best Puppy winnings already under her belt, she looks to have a successful show career ahead of her - assuming she continues to enjoy herself. 

Tugba Playtime
Tugba Sleeping 2
Treskha Tanqueray Tugba_ Sitting
Playful Tugba
dressed up tugba
Tugba Playing Dino upside down