It’s a dog’s life

The meaning of the idiom “it’s a Dog’s Life”: To lead a life that is difficult, unpleasant, or boring. 

I sometimes wonder how much easier the world would be if we all looked at it through the eyes of a dog: eat, sleep, walk, snuggle, repeat.  I know this is certainly the life of our lucky dogs, but I really don’t understand why there are negative connotations associated with “a dog’s life”.

For example, do you ever get fed up with the politics associated with living in a human world?  

  • Did I say the wrong thing?

  • Do I fit in?

  • Will I get this done right?

  • Will they appreciate my work?

  • If I say this, will they do that?

Its a dogs life 2

The list goes on and on and on, yet we put ourselves through it day after day.  We make ourselves unhappy, just to make sure other people are happy; we often sacrifice our values for the sake of peace.  With so much talk of mental health in the world at the moment, we really should take a look at how animals approach life.

I have never known a dog to use politics - if they like you, they like you; if they don’t, they don’t.  They don’t live in a world of grey mystery!  A dog’s world is black or white and this has nothing to do with their eyesight (which is remarkably good I might add).  If a dog feels uncomfortable in a situation they let you know or they walk away.  If a dog is in pain they tell you or show you. It seems so simple yet we cannot make it work for ourselves and we are considered to be the intelligent species.

I much prefer the saying: “Handle every situation like a dog: if you can’t eat it or play with it, pee on it and walk away”

I will never forget the time I took Remus for a walk and he encountered something he had never seen before: a huge hay bale.  He barked and barked, heckles up, tail rigid until I walked over to the scary item and patted it.  Once he realised it was harmless, he walked over, pee’d on it and ran off to enjoy the rest of his walk!!  I can safely say that he was never scared of a hay bale for the rest of his life.

`its a dogs life 3

Don’t forget to let us know what topics you would like covered in future blogs - suggestions are always welcome.  So far I am considering: Raw Feeding, Coping With Different Weather Conditions and Breeding Considerations.  

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